Screen Time: Authority, Education, and Trust

English follows Japanese
2〜3歳児にスクリーンタイムの責任を持たせることはできませんし、ティーンエイジャーに管理を任せっきりにしてしまうとどうなるかは、簡単に想像することができます。そこで、まずは子どもの年齢に適したルールを設定します。幼いうちは内容や時間をより具体的に(夕食前に『Paw Patrol』を30分見る、土曜日のゲームは2時間までなど)、その後は子どもの知能面・社会面の成長に合わせてルールを徐々に緩め、シンプルにしていきます。そうすることにより、子どもが自分自身で時間やニーズを管理する習慣を身につけ、自律性を育てるのです。
My kids spend too much time in front of screens every day. I ask them to stop, but they tell me that they won’t have friends if they don’t use social media, play online games, and stay up to date with the latest TV shows. What can I do?
Research shows that prolonged exposure to screens is detrimental to the mental and social development of children, as well as one of the reasons for their declining sleep times. At the same time, digital literacy is the key to unlocking the 21st century, and lacking it would be almost as disabling as illiteracy proper. Also, not knowing the latest games or hit TV shows can impact a child's ability to socialize and make friends. Navigating this conundrum is a balancing act that requires us to juggle authority and education, all the while walking the tightrope of trust.
We cannot expect a two- or three-year-old to responsibly regulate his or her screen time without strong parental guidance, but if we employed the same top-down approach with a teenager, it would be easy to imagine the ensuing crisis. The very important first step, then, consists in setting some age-appropriate rules: the younger the child, the more specific the rules need to be in terms of content and duration (e.g. “30 minutes of Paw Patrol before dinner;” “Maximum two hours of video games on Saturdays.”) The rest of the work is the gradual adjustment of those rules as the child grows and develops intellectually and socially. This adjustment usually involves the simplification and loosening of the rules to give the child more autonomy over the management of his or her time and needs (e.g. “An hour of screen time per hour of reading;” “Video games only on weekends.”)
There are two things that we must not forget, though, as we go about setting, adjusting, and enforcing these rules. Number one: Children must be afforded chances to break the rules. Allow your children to discover on their own that they are in control, and therefore responsible, for their actions. This should also send an important message: "I trust you." If rules are consistently broken, then action needs to be taken (tightening the rules and enforcing them more strictly are fine, as long as they are accompanied by honest chats and clear information). Number two: Children must be allowed to take part in the process of coming up with and adjusting the rules. If they have a say in the matter, chances are they will follow the rules more closely, and they won’t lie when they break them.
When it comes to content, though, things get a little bit thornier. Nowadays, cellphones, game consoles, media streaming services, etc., feature parental controls that allow us to keep an eye on our kids’ virtual activities. However, these features should not lull us into lowering our guard and making us believe that our kids are safe and our job done. When using these kinds of features (and others such as GPS tracking), we should always be open about it and let our kids know. Trust is a two-way street, and it is up to us to model it if we expect them to be honest with us. Still, nothing can replace digital citizenship and the ability to discern entertaining media from the harmful kinds. If we, parents, don’t have earnest talks with our kids about violence, cyberbullying, and the lures of the internet at large, then other people will introduce them to these, possibly on their terms and to suit their own interests.
We must address these tough topics in very realistic terms, not simply telling kids to stay away, but explaining why they are so toxic, how they can affect their health and social lives, and how they impact those of other people, too. Instead of turning ourselves into screen-banning villains, we need to direct our kids to the research, if they are old enough, or to translate it into simpler terms, if they’re younger, to help them understand the negative, potentially long-lasting effects of the online world and an addiction to it on the brain and the rest of the body.
When dealing with this present-day challenge, we have a blessing and a curse in the fact that we cannot simply repeat what our parents have done with us given that the digital landscape has changed so drastically. Parental controls can’t show kids how to become responsible and discerning individuals, so what we have left is to do what we have always done: love them, care about them, and be there with them as we all brave the challenges of these uncertain times.

帰国子女アカデミー Head of Elementary Program | Head of JH/HS Program