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おそらく皆さんも、息子がピクセル化されたマインクラフトの画面を見つめながら、クリーパーやツルハシについて意味のない話をしているのを見て呆れたり、娘がどれも同じに見える K-POP アイドルに夢中になっているのはなぜだろうと不思議に思ったりしたことがあるでしょう。私たち大人にとっては、世界が深刻な危機に直面し、未来に希望がもてなくなっているように感じられるかもしれません。しかし、ご安心ください。多少方向性は違っていても、お子様は望ましい素養を発揮しています。何かに熱中することは、それが何であれ、親から子供たちに教えることができる最も重要な素養のひとつです。彼らに熱意が見られないときこそ、心配すべきなのです。
子供たちが好きなことを受け入れ、喜んで共感することで、彼らは生涯学習を続けていけるでしょう。たとえそれが世代的に理解し難いことであっても、彼らがその可能性を最大限に発揮できるよう、あらゆるきっかけを与えることが私たちの役目です。私たちの親も、私たちが子供の頃に選んだ道に対して同じように感じていたことでしょう。ですから、マインクラフトや BLACKPINK について調べ、子供たちに質問してみましょう。興味を示すことが大切です。そうすれば、子供たちはあなたが大切にしていることにも興味を持ってくれるかもしれません。
Perhaps you’ve despaired to see your son staring at a pixelated Minecraft screen as he talks seeming nonsense about creepers and pick axes; or wondered what could possibly inspire your daughter’s devotion to a K-Pop band that sounds and looks like every other K-Pop band. The world may look to you to be in its last throes, the future lost. But you should be relieved that your children are demonstrating a desirable, if somewhat misdirected, trait. Being passionate about something—about anything—is one of the most important qualities you can instill in your offspring. It’s the absence of enthusiasm in them that should worry you.
The question, then, is how do we channel that energy into something of value, something that will provide benefit for the future. Modeling the behavior you hope to see in them is an important way. It’s much more likely to positively affect their choices than making logical arguments about how their time could be better spent, or, worse still, becoming angry about their “mindless” pursuits. Instead, playing your favorite Beatles tunes or sharing your deep knowledge of the history of the Spanish Civil War might encourage them to expand their range of interests. At the very least, it will show them that there’s nothing wrong with being passionate about everything that life has to offer.
Filling your home with objects that might spark their interest is another effective approach. By surrounding your children with the books, pictures, paintings, and musical instruments you have loved over the course of your life, you not only provide them with a welcoming, warm home, you allow them to find new sources of intellectual stimulation. I remember being mesmerized simply by the covers of my parents’ books as a child and being determined to explore their contents. So too, the music my father played in the car is almost surely the reason I enjoy so many genres today.
In terms of more direct actions you can take, cultural outings are one way to broaden your children’s horizons. Taking them to the new exhibition of Reubens portraits, for example, might seem like a good way to turn them off to art permanently, but their reaction to it will be greatly influenced by your interest in it. Excitement begets excitement. So too, an afternoon of classical music that focuses on pieces from movies you children have enjoyed might provide them with a gateway to a world of culture they otherwise would have thought to be dated or unconnected to their experience.
Allowing your children to enjoy the things they enjoy and celebrating them for it will set them on the path to becoming lifelong learners. It is our responsibility to provide them with every opportunity to realize their full potential, even if some of those opportunities make little generational sense to us. Almost certainly our parents felt the same way about the choices we made as children. So, find out about Minecraft or BLACKPINK. Ask your kids questions. Take an interest. They might just take an interest in the things you find important in return.

帰国子女アカデミー Vice President