A Story a Day: 活字の本で育む、本を「深く」読む力

English follows Japanese
一緒に本を読む - 子どもと一緒に本を読んだり、本を共有したりする時間を過ごすと、子どもは自然にフォーカスできるようになり、科学者が「認知的忍耐力」と呼ぶ集中力を養うことができます。子どもたちは、より長い時間集中できるようになり、次第に深く読む力を高め、やがて独自のアイデアや世界の見方を生み出すでしょう。
質問をする - 互いに本へ意識が向いた状態で、読みながら子どもに積極的に質問をしましょう。子どもの記憶力を試すのではなく、本に書かれていること、自分の感情、世界についての一般的な知識を結びつけるように、会話形式で質問を投げかけてください。質問を通して、具体的に以下の3つのことをするように子どもに促します。
- 物語をそれまでの知識と結びつける
例:不思議の国のアリスを読み、「本物のウサギはどのように行動するかな?このウサギはどう違うの?」と尋ねる - 登場人物に感情移入する
例:かいじゅうたちのいるところを読み、「怪物だらけの島にいたらどう感じる?」と尋ねる - 分析(推論、予測、考察)する
(上記のトピックやその他の関連トピックについてもっと知りたい方や、お子様が本を深く読めるようになるためのより詳細なステップをご覧になりたい方は、Wolf, Maryanne 著 Reader, Come Home を強くおすすめします。目から鱗が落ちるような、とても考えさせられる作品です。)
My child is about to start elementary school, but they spend more time looking at screens than reading books; when they do pick up a book, they don’t really seem to understand or remember what happens in the story. Is there anything I can do to help them?
Studies show that our brains function differently depending on whether we are reading print or on screens. This has important implications for the intellectual development of our children: If they don’t get to interact often enough with physical books, they miss out on a very important set of skills, which we can collectively call “deep reading.” These skills importantly include analysis, inference, and the abilities to empathize, make connections, and store knowledge in the long term memory.
Children risk never acquiring the ability to read deeply if they don’t develop healthy and stimulating reading habits with print books. The creation of such habits is something that we, as parents and role models, can and should guide. While reading print books ourselves is fundamental to set a positive example, below are two other things we can do to help our children get there.
Reading together - When we spend time reading and sharing physical books with our children, we are effectively modeling ways for them to focus, which helps them develop what scientists call cognitive patience—concentration. It is this ability to focus for increasingly longer periods of time that allows them to gradually reinforce their deep reading skills and thus develop their own unique ideas and ways of making sense of the world around them.
Significantly, this joint attention can only flourish in young children when caring adults are guiding them. The effect is greatly dampened if the reading happens on a screen given such devices are natural sources of distractions that have the power to guide and hold that attention of their own accord. The parent-child bond is the source of curiosity and learning, and as such it is key in the process of developing these skills.
Asking questions - Building on that shared attention, we should actively ask our children questions as we read. These questions should not come across as tests of their memory. Rather, they should be conversational and help them make connections between what is in the book, their own emotions, and their general knowledge of the world. These questions should encourage them to do three specific things:
- CONNECT the stories to their previous knowledge
(e.g. reading Alice in Wonderland: “How do real rabbits behave? How is this one different?”), - EMPATHIZE with the characters
(e.g. reading Where the Wild Things Are: “How would you feel if you were on an island full of monsters?”), - ANALYZE (infer, predict, and reflect)
(e.g. reading Pippi Longstocking: “Why do you think Pippi had a hard time at school? What do you think Pippi did when she grew older?”).
Children’s webs of knowledge grow slowly but surely as a result of connecting dots with each new book and each rereading of their favorites. If we can help them bridge old and new information, the new knowledge has a much greater chance of sticking, and, with enough practice, they become able to do it independently.
Reading deeply takes time. Children acquire different skills when they spend time with screens, and these are very necessary, too. However, given how unavoidable screens are, they are very likely to acquire these skills one way or another. Deep reading, though, can easily fall by the wayside if it’s not given the time, focus, and energy it demands. Ultimately, if we can help our children access this state of mind, they will realize at some point that they can apply deep-reading skills to screen-based media as well, and that is something that we all want for them: the power to interact with the digital world in discerning, thoughtful, and reflective ways.
(To learn more about this and other related topics, and to see more detailed steps on helping your child to read deeply, I highly recommend the eye-opening, thought-provoking book Reader, Come Home by Maryanne Wolf.)

帰国子女アカデミー Head of Elementary Program | Head of JH/HS Program